
Meal Ideas

Spaghetti Snowballs

Spaghetti with a chance of…...snowballs!
Spaghetti Snowballs

These cheesy Spaghetti Snowballs are a fun change of pace from a plain old bowl of pasta. They’re just as fun to make as the real thing and cook up in minutes!



2 cups leftover spaghetti

1 egg, beaten

¼ cup parmesan cheese

½ cup ricotta

½ cup panko crumbs

2 Tbsp oil



1. Mix spaghetti with egg and add parmesan, ricotta, and panko consecutively. Mixing with your hands helps!

2. Use an ice cream scooper to measure out each ball.  Use your hands to pack spaghetti into the scoop and flatten.

3. Heat oil in a pan and cook about 3-4 minutes, until lightly browned.


*makes about 8 balls

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